Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Ten reasons why you should not eat meat

A study of 70000 people concluded that vegetarian people have 12% lower risk of death from all causes, than the non-vegetarian. Researchers also claim that there is 24% lower risk of heart attack to the people those who never eat meat. Vegetarian people also do not suffer from obesity. There are numerous benefits of being a vegetarian. See the following important reasons why you should be vegetarian.

1. Get slim and become energized
Vegetarian people are up to 20 pounds lighter than the people those who eat meat. Meat is the huge source of high protein and fat along with that it contains toxins and harmful acidic materials. This causes you tired and lazy. Being vegetarian is to avoid those danger materials to get injected on your body. Vegetarian people get lots of natural fibers from what they eat which helps them to remain slim and young.

2. Help animals to live and be human
thousand even millions of animals are being killed for non-vegetarian people around the world. By the way if you are vegetarian you are saving more than 100 animals per year. The simple way to help animals is to choose be vegetarian. Avoid using eggs, dairy products and meats. We are human we should save and know the importance of every species on this planet.

3. Enjoy healthier and happier life
Researches have proved that meat contains a lot of toxic materials which slows down people and make them sick. Meat contains cholesterol and saturated fat which is the big reason to develop heart disease inside you. In fact vegetables are great diet for your health. Vegan people are less likely to develop heart attack, cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure. Vegetarian people get all the nutrients from plant which are organic and without side effect.

4. Vegetarian food is delicious
If you think there is nothing tastier than meat than you are wrong. Meat is just like nicotine, once you eat you like to eat again and again. So, in order to get tasty food you need to kill an animal first, this is total bull shit. There are ways you can make vegetables tastier

5. Meat is the risk of food poisoning
Meat is always contaminated with feces, blood and other bodily fluids. This makes meat top source of food poisoning. In America 2.4 million causes of food poisoning is caused by a dangerous bacterium called Campylobacter which is found in Tyson Chicken. This causes abdominal pain, fever, cramping and diarrhea.

6. World in nearer to the starvation help to solve this
Being non-vegetarian is to hurt animals and humans too. It takes unlimited organic food supply and money to raise the farmed animals. You may be surprised to know that to produce one pound of flesh of an animal you need to feed them at least 13 pounds of grains. It is much better to use directly our food as a plant. The more people go vegetarian the more we are able to feed hunger people. So, this is the simplest way to avoid future starvation. Help our planet to be safe in the future.

7. Possibly you can save the planet
If you want to keep our planet safe and green stop eating meat. Eating meat is the worst thing you can do to the earth. One of the biggest causes of global warming is due to meat industry. To prolong the expiry date of the meat they use huge amount of electricity to operate refrigerators. If you are concern about the global warming and climate change then being vegetarian is the easiest way to help save our planet earth.

8. Save your money
Stop eating animals and save money. You can get better nutrients by spending less money on the vegetarian food. People who do not eat meat are healthy and do not need to spend a lot of money on their health problem.

9. Be civilized
You understand that you have life and you have the right to live on this planet until you die due to natural causes. So, animals have their own life and right it’s our duty to protect them.

10. look young and sexier 
Vegetarian people are thinner and energetic. They are able to perform more tasks and work longer than meat eaters. If you are non-vegetarian it will be very hard to compete with vegetarian people. Over time meat eaters will look older than non-meat eaters.

So, you can enjoy your life much happier and healthier by just not eating meat. Happy vegetarian.



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