Thursday, February 20, 2014

Ten Amazing Facts About Bananas

Do you like bananas? If yes then, its good news for you. It is one of the best fruit for all the people. The good news is that banana is nutrition rich and helps you to gain verity of health benefits. It also helps in controlling your hunger and lowering your blood pressure. Here you are discovering ten facts about this fantastic fruit.

1. Bananas are diet friendly
A single banana consists of 100 to 110 calories, 3 grams of fibers and 30 grams of carbs. It also contains resistant starch which helps you to feel fuller and longer, resistant starch is a kind of carbohydrate. Greener banana contains more resistant starch. It is a perfect snack before your workout. Make sure you eat one banana one hour before you work out.

2. Helps you avoid Cancer
Eating bananas helps you prevent kidney cancer.

3. Trick your brain if you fell too much hunger
Studies have found that when you are hunger smelling some food can actually reduce your hunger. Banana comes on the list of one of those foods. If you have hunger dis orders smelling a banana might help on that. It also might help you to lose some weight. If you don’t believe, why not try? When you feel hunger next time test this banana smelling trick.

4. Banana as a Natural enhancer 
A lot of athlete people consume 10 to 15 bananas per day. The main reason behind is that it contains 100% natural organic carbohydrate which helps to produce energy in our body. In additions it also provides antioxidants which helps to speed recovery faster.

5. Bananas are convenient
Bananas can be eaten where ever you want. You even don’t need to chop or clean them. It is incredible versatile fruit. Bananas can be mixed with any kind of other food you like with. You can even mix with chocolates freeze them and enjoy the new test.

6. Bananas are very good source of Vitamin C
Vitamin C is the important antioxidant which helps our body to destroy free radicals inside our body. It also helps our muscle and other tissues to hold together with our bones. Consuming bananas provides you 15% of the vitamin C during the whole day. In addition banana helps you to keep your gums healthy.

7. Banana as a source of Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is very essential in our body. It helps to fight infections by producing antibodies, hemoglobin and insulin. It also produces amino acids to create a healthy cell. One banana contains about 20% of the daily requirement of vitamin B6. Eating banana is to be healthy.

8. Helps in Gastrointestinal Distress
Bananas are soft and easy to digest. It does not irritate stomach and upper gastrointestinal tract. It also helps people who suffer from constipation. Having one banana before bed is beneficial for constipation.

9. Banana is rich in blood pressure lowering agent
Studies have suggested that those people who consume potassium rich food do not have high blood pressure. A banana contains nearly about 400 to 500 milligrams of potassium. To maintain good health an adult person needs 4,700 milligrams of potassium. So, a banana provides 10 % of the daily requirements of potassium.

10. Banana as a mood booster 
You need about 320 to 420 milligrams of minerals on the daily basis. Lower level of these minerals develops anger, depression, irritability, anxiety and other mood disorders. Most of the food we consume on daily basis does not contain sufficient amount of magnesium. Eating a banana provides you 27 milligrams of magnesium. This helps you to be active and boost your mood. 

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